Chapter 1 Excerpt - Exercise: Belly Laughter for Couples
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Exercise: Belly Laughter for Couples
" It is bad to suppress laughter. It goes back down and spreads to your hips." -- Fred Allen
Stand facing your partner. Place one hand on your partner’s arm or shoulder. Place the other hand on your belly (or theirs if you prefer). Look your partner in the eyes and on the count of three begin to laugh. Fake it until it becomes the real thing. Cut loose with your “pretend” laughter so it’s deep and belly shaking. After you stop laughing, pause and feel the feelings you have inside. Pay attention to the feelings you have for your partner. Enjoy them a moment and then share some of these feelings with one another. Wind up with a nice, warm hug. If you begin and end your days this way, your relationship will benefit and so will you.
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