Tips for more laughter in your life
- Practice laughing 5 min/day. Fake it till you make it.
- Look for humor around you--on signs, in people's behavior, on TV, in the newspaper, the things others say, the crazy things that happen to you.--Keep a journal.
- Share your embarrassing moments with other people.
- Learn to play with things that are serious like work, social issues, money, etc. For example, use word play, silly songs, or develop a comical view of the issue to help you laugh and cope.
- Laugh with other people when they laugh.
- Wear a smile. It puts you closer to laughing.
- Seek out entertainment which makes you laugh.
- Amuse yourself with your own sense of humor.
- Buy and listen daily to a tape of laughter, a laugh box, or a laughing toy.
- Buy mindless toys that make you laugh.
- Wear hats that make you laugh.
- Cultivate your innate playfulness.
- Be creative with fun.
- Make sure you have fun.
- Give yourself permission to laugh at anything you need to.
- Do at least one silly, non-conforming thing a day.
© Enda Junkins, LCSW, LMFT, BCD
- Hits: 26015